The success of an application file, other than specified by the Application for Job or job application letter is also dependent on the Curriculum Vitae (CV), resume or your resume, and for the previous info we have provided examples of cover letters. A good CV is able to describe your background with a brief, clear and concise, while promoting the advantages and benefits you in the position you're applying.
The first impression you give in the CV is crucial next stage in your job application because usually the company will consider whether you qualify for selection to the interview stage.
Curriculum Vitae (CV) usually consists of 8 sections, namely:
1. Bios.
2. Of Education.
3. Work experience.
4. Courses / additional education.
5. Extracurricular activities.
6. Organizational experience.
7. Skills.
8. Accomplishments ever achieved.
Things to remember when preparing a CV and include:
1. The format is neat and typed using a computer, using the formal fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman or Trebuchet MS. Print out on A4 size paper with the font size and spacing 11-12 1-1.5.
2. Give information relevant to the work being proposed only. You do not need to tell the whole story of your life in the CV. Include the experience and expertise that can support a job application in accordance with the desired position.
3. A CV should be able to "sell" yourself by showing the employer that you are looking for and they are most appropriate for these vacancies. You should also be able to convince the company that the ability and your skills will benefit the company and the you who they want to join the company.
Try to find out what is needed by the company, the type of employees like what they like, and what skills they want. Look at it from a company point of view, as if you are on the companies that want to recruit manpower. But still be honest and be yourself.
4. That need to be considered in making the CV in English is a compilation of words (grammar) are correct, the writing of words (spelling) is right, and professional written language format. Make sure you double check all the points above.
I. Biodata
Name : Rosalina Sugiarto
Place/Date of Birth : Serang, 11 April 1980
Gender : Female
Status : Single
Address : Jalan Kemang No.123, Jakarta Selatan
Ph. (021) 9876 5432, HP. 0810 000 000
e-mail :
II. Education
1984-1986 : TK Anak Bangsa Serang
1986-1992 : SD Anak Bangsa Serang
1992-1995 : SMP Anak Bangsa Serang
1995-1998 : SMA Anak Bangsa Serang
1998-2004 : Faculty of Public Relations, Lampung University, Lampung
III. Course/Training
2001 : English Language – LPK Tunas Bangsa Lampung
2003 : Computer – LPK Tunas Bangsa Lampung
IV. Extracurricular Activity/Organization Experience
1998-2004 : Member of “Studio One” Photography Club
2002-2004 : Secretary in Social Cultural Club of Lampung University
V. Other Skills
1. Computer: Able to operate Windows, Ms Office, Internet and others.
2. Language: Good command of English both oral and written.
3. HR: Understand the role of HR department, including recruitment and others.
VI. Employment
2004-2007 : HR Staff of PT. ABC Jakarta
VII. Achievement
- Best Employee of the year 2004, HR Department of PT. ABC Jakarta
- Best Employee of the year 2005, HR Department of PT. ABC Jakarta
I hereby declare that all the information given herein is true.
Jakarta, 15th February 2007
Yours Sincerely,
Rosalina Sugiarto