29 Feb 2012

Honda Show Three Modifications in the Tokyo Auto Salon 2012

Still in the context of the 2012 Tokyo Auto Salon in a contest in which the car that occurred in Tokyo that of each respective car manufacturers showcase their latest products to model and design that is so elegant and innovative, the contest is one of them Proton Artiga Concept also took part, Honda is offering different products as well as 3 three products that will show the unique design was taken from the base production model of Hybrid Honda Freed, Freed Spike, and all-new N BOX Custom. Additionally, it will also show that a model of roadster BEAT in racing be entirely casual models. Japan to bring the three most recent modifications to the model car concept at Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 event held at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan recently

Honda BEAT

According to Honda, N BOX Custom attractive force will act through the projection of light. This particular Honda models will rename the concept of modification as a Flash Box.

Not only on the exterior, the game is poured N BOX Custom light on the interior. With this concept, these modifications seem aimed at the driver's young people.

Honda Freed Spike Transporter

While Freed Hybrid model with more emphasis on the concept of interior space arrangement. Honda boasts some of the accessories and ornaments that make the action becomes more flirtatious Freed cabin.

Freed Spike else. Model to be nicknamed Spike Freed Transporter full Version has been modified on the exterior making it like a race car.


Additional striping with logo embedded Participate aggressively "HRC." In Addition, a series of new Modulo body kit is also offset to look Fierce.
Even the RC212V race bike also planned to show off at exhibitions That will highlight the new products after market. Honda Show Three Modifications in the Tokyo Auto Salon 2012

Proton Artiga Concept Present at Tokyo Auto Salon 2012

Proton Artiga Concept-1

Shown with a heroic aura and fierce Proton Artiga Present Concept 2012 Tokyo Auto Salon. Hotc hatch uses a base of black berkelir Proton Satria Neo body kit but got a touch on her body. His appearance was more attractive with a futuristic design front bumper.

Proton Artiga Concept-2

At the stern there Proton Artiga Concept twin exhaust in the middle. 3-door car is the sporty model with alloy wheels multi-spoke OZ black in color developed by Proton R3 tunning.

Proton Artiga Concept-3

opportunity also began selling its products to the Japanese market. Proton took Carrosser Co., Ltd. (Cusco) to sell the Satria Neo.
Proton Artiga Concept

2012 Tokyo Auto Salon

2012 Tokyo Auto Salon Japanese women appear to enliven the Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 which took place on January 12 to 15 at Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japanese. With the beautiful fashion styles worn, the model is vying to attract the attention of visitors. Sweet smile and her style is fantastic made ​​the shining eyes of visitors.

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-1

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-2

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-3

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-4

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-5

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-6

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-7

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-8

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-9

Tokyo Auto Salon 2012 babes-10
25 Feb 2012

Information On Travel Service in Jakarta 2012

Travel Service in Jakarta
Indonesia Jakarta Travel Car Information Activities All Objectives. Car travel information from Jakarta to all majors such as Yogyakarta, Semarang, Solo, Bandung, float, Bogor, Manado, Bali, cirebon, sukabumi, da purpose other big cities you can get Car Travel Jakarta Shuttle All the.
. On Airfare list Batavia Air Inter-Province 2012

For latest information you may require assistance in part of temen2 who has information about using the travel experience while traveling. Or if you are certain of your travel agent can provide information about travel to any destination promo or your travel route. Well, here we provide objective jakarta Indonesia travel routes of the various goals that you might be able to pass

Travel from Jakarta or contrast

Travel Yogyakarta - Jakarta, Jakarta - Jogja
Jakarta - Jogja - Manila ...

To complement this information there please help other visitors in locating the information journey by car Jakarta Travel pp or promo travel tickets. If you can not find it here, maybe you can simply log on Jakarta Travel Car Information that we have provided above. Hopefully this information useful for you who are looking for car travel for a particular purpose.

Indonesia Jakarta Travel Car Information Activities All Objectives

car travel jakarta Indonesia

Your search for Travel on public transport to pick you up or take you to place your destination without the hassle? Mobil Travel is now a growing number of people interested in Indonesia as well as foreign tourists, as practical and without complicated. Perhaps the presence of Mobil Travel latest Information Activities All Purpose Jakarta in Indonesia that our region can provide little help. And For those of you who wish to find out the latest list of airfare rates you can see from the following airline ticket agents Garuda Indonesia Airfare Promo 2012 Information and about price info Lion Air Plane Tickets Information Promotion 2012.

Many travel agent jakarta travel agent or travel agent bandung and other cities that provide a comfortable facility with cheap travel tickets for the passenger car travel, the information is traveling by car travel today is highly sought after by the people of Indonesia who wanted his comfort and ease of traveling .

A little tip from us, for those of you who are looking for car travel or travel agent to accompany you on the way you know how good travel agent profile and experience of the passengers who use the services of agent
tersebu travel, because if you are wrong you will be disappointed on your own .. Comfort and satisfaction are the rights of passengers in the use of travel services.

For latest price info Batavia Air plane ticket, you can instantly See here On Airfare list Batavia Air Inter-Province 2012.

Well here's a list of standard rates car travel and car travel routes that might be a reference you in choosing a trusted and professional travel agent in your journey to accompany survivors to the destination.

Travel Jakarta
Jakarta - Bandar Lampung Rp. 170.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Bandar Jaya Rp. 200,000, -/orang + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Metro Rp. 200.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Pringsewu Rp. 185.000, -/orang + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Tanggamus Rp. 185.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Palembang (Transit) Rp. 340 000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Tegal = Rp. 160,000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Pekalongan = Rp. 170.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Navan = Rp. 170.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Cilacap = Rp.170.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Semarang = Rp. 170.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Jogja = Rp. 170.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Solo = Rp. 220.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Surabaya (Transit) = Rp. 300.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Jakarta - Malang (Transit) = Rp. 300.000, - / person + Activities Fee *)
Travel Yogyakarta - Jakarta, Jakarta - Jogja
Jakarta - Jogja - Manila

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Rahayu Travel provides a means of passenger transport with executive-class qualifications. Facilities: Mercedes bus, seats 2-2, seat recleaning, full air conditioning, tv, music and toilet.
Departs daily, 5 pm, serve the purpose of: Jakarta - Jogja - Magelang pp
Through the southern path: Purworejo, Gombong, Kutoarjo.
Also express package delivery service and the bike all over town in Central Java.
Info: 021-4702766 (9 am - 9 pm)

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Jakarta Travel Car Information Activities All Purpose 9out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.

On Airfare list Batavia Air Inter-Province 2012

Batavia Air
Still with the latest information on air fares promo, 2012, that where before, also we have provided a list of information Garuda Indonesia Airfare Promo 2012 Information. On Airfare list Batavia Air Inter-Provincial 2012 The following is a list of tariffs or price lists Batavia Air Plane tickets 2012 goals between cities and provinces in Indonesia. See also Lion Air Plane Tickets Information Promotion 2012.

On Airfare list Batavia Air 2012

Jakarta-Denpasar Range 501 000
Ranging from Jakarta to Islamabad 400 000

Jakarta-Medan Range 550 000
Ranging from Jakarta to Balikpapan 630 000

Ranging from Jakarta to Manado 700 000
Ranging from Jakarta to Padang 425 000

Jakarta-Palembang Range 325 000
Ranging from Jakarta to Kuala Lumpur 336 000

Ranging from Jakarta to Kupang 900 000
Jakarta-Pontianak 400 000 Range

Ranging from Jakarta to Jambi 375 000
Jakarta-Surabaya Range 300 000

Jakarta-Yogyakarta Range 340 000
Jakarta-Semarang Range 402 000

Prices subject to change, visit the official website at Batavia Air

Lion Air Plane Tickets Information Promotion 2012

lion air
Airfare information Lion Air 2012 which is the promotional price list airline tickets airline Lion Air of Indonesia which has always provided and provide good service in terms teruma cheap airline tickets with promotional prices of the various routes to the destination in the province or city. See also Garuda Indonesia Airfare Promo 2012 Information

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Garuda Indonesia Departure Schedule
On Airfare Garuda Indonesia in January
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Two New Jeep Cars Arrive in Geneva

Two New Jeep Cars Arrive in Geneva

Geneva Auto Show concept car hectic than in talking about such as Nissan Invitation Concept as a compact hatchback that will join the line-up such as the Nissan March compact and Juke. This car was entered in the B-segment platform and is planned already on the market in 2013, and also recently released an official sketch photos new concept car called the Hyundai i-oniq Concept.

In addition to content by several Geneva Auto Show concept car was ready to be the presence of a Jeep is preparing two new ammunition in the 2012 Geneva Motor Show next month. Two cars were a special edition of the Jeep Wrangler and Jeep Compass. Wrangler displayed a special edition named Wrangler Mountain Special Edition. The most obvious difference is in the picture on the hood, grille Mineral Gray and colored fuel tank cap is black. There are also side step and 17-inch alloy rims.

Interior not much difference with the standard version, just replace the carpet and upholstery made ​​from fabric with embroidered logo Mountain. Look under the hood, there are two engine options. The first 2800 cc turbo diesel engine with 297 hp and 460 Nm of torque. Then the 3600 cc V6 petrol engine with 280 hp power and 347 Nm of torque.

Meanwhile, the latest variant of the Jeep Compass will make its debut in Europe. This first appearance as well as market reaction test whether this model is likely in the market or not. In terms of appearance, Compass whitewash all-black color, ranging from the front, the rear view mirror and even up to size 18-inch rims with new design.

Powered by 2200 cc turbo diesel engine produces 163 hp power and 320 Nm of torque to all four wheels moving with the system full-time Freedom Drive. As the infotainment features, available UConnect navigation and multimedia entertainment system with 6.5-inch touch screen, hard drive capacity of 30 GB, USB port, AUX port, DVD player, Bluetooth connectivity and Boston Acoustics sound system with 9-speakers.

Geneva Auto Show - Hyundai i-oniq Concept 2012


Nissan Invitation Concept not only ready to perform at the Geneva motor show. Largest Hyundai Car Products also recently released an official sketch photos of their latest concept car called the I-oniq. Images are unfortunately only released just a side view rendering without wheels. So we were not sure whether i-oniq eventually will manifest themselves as a hatchback, shooting brake, or crossover.

Now the automotive world latest information is largely preoccupied with preparations for the carmaker ahead of Detroit Motor Show 2012 exhibition to be held early in January. But not with the South Korean manufacturer, Hyundai. Manufacturer with the logo 'H' is currently preparing for the event the Geneva Auto Show next March 2012.

According to Thomas Bürkle, Hyundai European Chief Designer, i-oniq will describe the evolution of Hyundai's distinctive design language, fluidic sculpture. So that we can be sure that this concept car is a depiction of how the design of Hyundai products in the future. Thomas also added that in this concept car designs, there are two obvious curves that create a silhouette i-oniq character design and produce cars that sharp and soft.

Geneva Auto Show - Nissan Invitation Concept

Latest information on the automotive arena Geneva Auto Show to be held next month, Nissan will show a concept car named Invitation. Nissan Invitation Concept describes as a compact hatchback that will join the line-up such as the Nissan March compact and Juke. This car was entered in the B-segment platform and is planned already on the market in 2013.


There has been no official release of more detailed information and is still too early to talk about the specifications, such as details of the engine, but Nissan claims Invitation will use the latest engine technology with a lightweight platform for creating high fuel efficiency and low emissions. Invitation to target ultra-low CO2 emissions below 100 g / km.

Nissan Invitation-1

Safety features that will be pinned as Around View Monitor, make like a bird's eye view of the driver to monitor the car around. Nissan car concept will also complement the tekologi Safety Shield to help the driver keep interacting with the environment. Want to know more details, wait for the next reporting from Geneva.

Nissan Invitation-2
23 Feb 2012

12 Prediction Zodiac Fortune in 2012

love forecast
latest news and updates on the zodiac which may in the past year you have not gotten a life partner, and in 2012 Is this you still do not get what you want? How lucky you through the Astrological Signs in the year 2012? we only see the review follows the fate of each of the zodiac

Aries (March 21-April 19)

In this year the motivation and desire of Aries is the time to achieve something. Maintain good relationships with family and friends, do not let your emotions and ego make contact with them to be less familiar. Avoid misunderstandings by talking with them more. Career and finances showed significant growth.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Many major and drastic changes that will occur this year. Taurus really need a calm mind in deciding all matters. Some of the long journey will involve the Taurian, keep the body's health condition. There is a growing relationship with several people close to this year.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

2012 was a very active and fun for Geminian. Gold in terms of career opportunities will welcome the beginning of the year, even until the end of the year will see the advantages for profit. This year is very good for developing the business, and education.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

This year the star Cancer Cancerian will demand for more professionals in sharing time and thoughts, between work and personal life. Influence of the planet Jupiter is very big for the Cancerian in the year, if not careful in choosing the Cancer will fall and get stuck in his decision.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is still hoping a miracle will happen this year. And indeed the planet Uranus will bring good luck this year. Either business or education.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

For Virgo who love life and hope there is not yet clear change in the status of this year, Virgo will indeed find a few close friends. A number of promotions will also be encountered in the workplace.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

In contrast to previous years, this year Libra will have no pressure for the year 2011. Libra is also more calm and relaxed in thinking and dealing with problems. Ask for support from family and close friends while going down is the best solution.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Many golden opportunities that come during the year, but Scorpio should be more careful in using it, or actually even miss the opportunity. Scorpio who was frantically looking for a job will find a permanent job in the year.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is very focused on money and profit in the year. All it takes to be successful is patience and rational thinking. There is potential to change jobs or move a business.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

It seems that year 2012 is not a good year for Capricorn, one will fail in a job or business, those that have lost their jobs. But must remain optimistic and excited.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Effect of three planets in the year 2012 brings its own fortune for Aquarius. Life romance at its peak this year, Aquarius will also be taken up his mind in the future. In this year also Aquarius, an end to many single people or meet your soul mate.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces better time to enjoy yourself more and avoid the pressure of work this year. Some of the duties and responsibilities are to be offered, but Pisces must follow the instincts before making major decisions.

Careful On And Love In The Year 2012

love forecast

Zodiac forecast for you And careful on Love in the Year 2012 for how each zodiac find a soul mate and love? Let's look at more latest information Astrological Signs

The following predictions based on zodiac love:

2012 Aries Love

This year your emotional life and far more stable than last year. And for your partner, try to keep communication open with each other. Avoid storing anything that block and talk to both what is stored in your mind in order to maintain their relationship.

Single, in the middle of this year there is the potential to meet a mate. Keep only your relationship with someone you feel comfortable. Even some of you, the friendship can turn into love.

2012 Taurus Love

Pairs: the relationship of this year, especially in the first 6 months will be hit by a serious problem and provide enough pressure for both relationships. However, it is important not to listen to the opinion of a third person. Better to solve the problem alone, because the real problem is a misunderstanding as to argue.

Single: Taurus is very easy to make friends in this year. Similarly, building a relationship, so that at the end of this year's Taurus will more seriously think about a relationship with someone who is known to be close.

Gemini Love 2012

Geminian very easy to trust and fall in love with someone close to him. But still it must be remembered that Gemini should avoid the debate that is too serious, too curious and curiosity can be dragged to the problems in the relationship with a partner.

For Geminian single, two months in the year 2012 is the month in which ultimately the problem can be solved puzzles about romance tekinya. Especially in the first 6 months many of the problems and trials that make Geminian depressed. However, overall, in 2012 a lot of pleasant surprises.

Love Cancer 2012

Cancer is a very flexible and can adapt to the surrounding environment. In this year, they will not see much difficulty in getting started new relationships and commitments seriously. But family problems would scuttle Cancer steps that led to their delayed step into a more serious relationship.

Love Leo 2012

For Leo, who are paired, a problem that appears closely related to communication with a partner. Often arise because of misunderstanding of each other are equally proud to ask and choose to believe in a personal opinion. Single Leo may have to remain patient in this year because it has not found a pair that actually fit and able to understand. But that does not mean Leo should despair, and ultimately ignore the appearance, because in fact it is time to reform and improve themselves before meeting with a soulmate.

Virgo Love 2012

Pairs should spend more time for busy couples and do not even own. The conflict that arises is the lack of communication and attention that eventually led to a misunderstanding. Financial condition is also not very good this year, and enough to affect the relationship.

Single, should not really listen to others and rely on their judgment. However this will be the biggest problem all year. How indifferently Virgo, the opinions of others was very influential and easily create stress.

Libra love 2012

Both Libra a pair and a single, this year try to be more interactive with a partner. Misunderstandings that occur because Libra already frequently communicate unilaterally, so sometimes different perceptions of the captured pair. Conflicts will arise throughout the year and will start to fade at the end of the year.

Scorpio Love 2012

This year, Scorpio should control your emotions and jealousy to avoid major problems in the relationship. Also avoid thinking about negative things, including holding grudges.

Pairs should not think negative and arguing loudly with a partner. Give more attention to the couple. Openness and honesty is the key to lasting permanent relationships in this year. Throw away the prestige is very important especially when you realize that the false self.

Sagittarius 2012 love

Frustration and stress are big enough to greet Sagittarius this year, especially in the first two months early. Positively, Sagittarius can remain optimistic in even the worst circumstances. Even when I had to drop out of love, Sagittarius can keep thinking positive and encourage yourself to stay focused on things that do.

Single, a chance to meet your soul mate will come in this year. Remains to be optimistic and think positive.

Capricorn 2012 love

Many people admire and respect Capricorn in fostering good relations with family and friends. Persuasive attitude and demeanor that makes Capricorn readily accepted and liked all the layers. Even so, problems will be experienced Capricorn associated with impatience in all respects. Want everything instant and quick to make Capri so explosive.

Aquarius Love 2012

Either single or in pairs, this year should not follow the ego self and spend far more for couples. Attempt to communicate is very important because Aquarius is not the kind of person who is sensitive to this.

Single will meet someone special this year, but it's important to give more attention and effort in the relationship to be built so that the relationship may progress to a more serious level. No problem is too big this year, it's just that it should be more pressing Aquarius own ego.

Pisces love 2012

Communication is the foundation of every relationship, which is essential and must be maintained so that the relationship can work well. Unfortunately at this year Pisces can not control their emotions and emotions are often too easy. In order to enjoy the fun this year, it is essential for Pisces to control mood and emotion.
21 Feb 2012

2012 MotoGP Season Racing Schedule

Motogp 2012

2012 MotoGP Season Racing Schedule The International Motorsport Federation (FIM), announced the calendar for the MotoGP race while the 2012 season. There are few changes from previous version.

The most significant change is the scheduled opening of the season latest information on which the forward one week. In the previous version issued in September, the series premiere that took place in Qatar took place on 15 April. But in this new schedule moved forward a week to 8 April.

Spanish GP at Jerez also been confirmed. Meanwhile, the Sachsenring was already added to the schedule for the German GP, although the event is still dependent on the end of his contract talks.

MotoGP grand prix calendar 2012 season

* 8 April Qatar Doha / Losail
29 April Spain Jerez de la Frontera
May 6 Portugal (STC) Estoril
May 20 France Le Mans
June 3 Catalunya Catalunya
June 17 Britain Silverstone
June 30 ** Netherlands Assen
July 8 Germany (STC) Sachsenring
July 15 Italy Mugello
July 29 Laguna Seca USA ***
August 19 Indianapolis Indianapolis
August 26 Brno Czech Republic
San Marino, Misano 16 September
30 September Aragon Motorland
October 14 Japan Motegi
October 21 Malaysia Sepang
October 28 Australia Phillip Island
11 November Valencia Ricardo Tormo

* Race nights
Racing on Saturday **
*** Only MotoGP class
20 Feb 2012

On behalf of Love

Love walpaper
"Love" a name that is often talked about, from both young and old. Many people in the name of love for each behavior. But do they understand what the real meaning of love or the meaning behind the word "love".

"Love" is a name that is very simple and easy to to pronounce. but know whether anything of that love. A remarkable phenomenon. Make a sad became cheerful, evil becomes baek, war becomes peace, hatred into brotherhood, bitter for sweet, wounds are healed, ill becomes healthy. All that the name of love. And when the word "Love misused it will also be the opposite happened.

Man lives in the name of love, we are also born out of love from both parents. So important and meaningless "Love" in every human being. It's just that they can not be set in place the right yan.

What is the meaning of true love?, Whether the funds are in raskan's True Love or Love Blind?. Love is an expression of our love and sympathy to someone. The word is also given of our love to the Creator, as a sign that we are in desperate need and flattering. The love that we give shows that we really like it and want to be with. Jealousy often occurs when someone we love with other people. That is love, one name has a thousand meanings.

Love can also be derived from an obsession to get something. But that's not love, it is just a tool to get the object. The word "Love" has a universal meaning. Every man has his own response on the meaning of love. And every man also had his own way to love. It's just very unfortunate if love be used as a tool for the mere satisfaction of passion.

Love is the most important and precious let us give to God and His Messenger. With love will wholeheartedly give seatu great effect on us. Do not believe? Just try it ...!

True Love or Love Blind?


When you know what is the meaning of love, of course you think he is so perfect that cover the entire deficiency in him and at the time of true love toward you, you love someone it is, understand its shortcomings and weaknesses cover while looking at the best, but you perli questioned again if it's True Love or love Blind?, following which we got from the latest information about what love is, will be discussed together here

If you think about it,
actually the difference between Love and True Love Blind
it's really thin huh?

When you love someone so deeply,
most likely you will try to understand its shortcomings.
At that time .. whether you love him blindly
or did he just loves what it is?

When he made ​​a mistake and you forgive him,
man because his name is never free from errors,
does that mean love is blind
or love for granted?

When someone better comes from him,
but you also can not turn away from her lover
What does it mean to love the
or love is blind?

Or when you take it so perfectly
so that no one could replace her presence,
What does it mean to love the
or love is blind?

To what extent can we love what it is
without having to turn a blind eye?

Is it possible that someone loves what it is without a blind?
Or love is blind love is also what it means?

Understanding Poetry

Understanding Poetry
Poetry? of course we all know poetry is a kind of beautiful words in expressing a person into a poem. Latest information about meaning of poetry this time we picked up from some experts that this collection of poems which are translated into some notion of the significance and meaning of the poem itself into Beautiful words about love.

William Wordsworth (Situmorang, 1980:9) explains that poetry is the spontaneous peluapan of feelings that full power, the gain came from emotion or feeling that is collected again in peace.

Putu Arya Tirtawirya (1980:9) describes that poetry is an expression of implicit and vague, with the implied meaning, where words were leaning on the connotative meaning.

Understanding Poetry, in (Pradopo, 1987) is the activity that is a solid outpouring of the soul, is suggestive and associative.

A. Samad Said argued in essence of poetry is a statement of feelings and views of the life of a poet who saw something of a natural event with the sharpness of his feelings. Keen sense of taste is a heart throb, creating the kind of motion in it. Then the sharpness of the response is combined with an attitude of life flowing through the language, he becomes for a poem, a pronunciation of a poet.

Further Shannon Ahmad (in Pradopo, 1993:7) describes that there are huge lines of poetry. The elements of emotion, imajinas, thoughts, ideas, tone, rhythm, sensory impressions, the wording, figures of speech, the density, and mixed feelings.

The same thing was said by Edgar Allan Poe, that poetry is the creation of something in the form of rhythmic beauty. Taste is the preferred element. Relationship with the culture of the intellect or the conscience is the only relationship that selari. If it is not by chance, he had no direct contact with the same hit there with his duties or with the truth.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge expressed the sense of poetry as the most beautiful words in the most beautiful arrangement. The poet chose words that are precise and are best prepared, for example, balanced, symmetrical, between one element with another element related very closely, and so forth.

H. B. Jassin explained that the poem is spoken by the feeling in it contains mind-thoughts and responses.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (Situmorang, 1980:8) describes that poetry teaches as much as possible with as few words as possible.

Waluyo (2005:1), suggests that poetry is a literary work with the language solidified, shortened and given a rhythm with the sound of a solid and wonderful choice of words figuratively (imaginative).

Theodore Watts-Dunton also explained that the poem is a man's thinking is concrete and artistic emotional and rhythmical language. For example, from the figures, with the images, and artistically arranged (eg harmony, symmetry, the selection of appropriate words, and so on), and the language is full of feeling, as well as rhythmic as the music (turn the sound of his words on a regular basis sequential ).

Edwin Arlington Robinson argues that the language of poetry is difficult to convey something about otherwise, there is no poetry about the same is true or otherwise.

According to Hj Muhammad. Salleh, poetry is a form of literature is thick with the language and the wisdom of poets Muzik and its traditions. Consistency in all that, then after reading the poem will make us wiser.

Usman Awang said that poetry is not the song of desperate people who seek peace and contentment in a poem he wrote. Taoi poem is a statement about something or one or the whole of human life.
Hopefully Understanding Poetry from several experts in the above can be helpful, thanks.

Best Camera Applications For Android


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Last frame Love helps you design your locks by giving them a different frame and describe their beauty.

New 2012 Top 10 android apps

2012 top 10 android apps

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Well the latest information on the top 10 Android apps made ​​a lot of fun software that is primarily used as time passes. Among these are the famous talking tom, picture packs and talking alarm. Now who loves living in a monotone? This software brings a little fun for you when you run it. The software is built in such a way that graphic also looks funny.

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18 Feb 2012

The Meaning of Love


Collection of the meaning of love. which is the latest information about where love and feeling love Love is a feeling that given by God on a pair of human beings to each other .... (Love each other, have each other, meet each other, mutual understanding, etc.). Absolutely love itself can not be forced, love can only be brjalan if the two sides phiak do "each other" ... love is not able to walk if their selfishness. Since in touch, we would want a couple more attention and it can only be from an understanding partner.

Love is giving love instead of chains. Love poems can not be forced and sometimes are not even coming in on purpose. Love the pain he left behind a beautiful but sometimes lasts longer than love itself. The limits of love and hate are also very thin but with a love of the world that we live seemed lighter.

Love of one's feelings towards the opposite sex because of an interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex (eg nature, face etc.). However, understanding and mutual understanding necessary to be able to continue the relationship, the shortfall must be mutual and willing to accept their partner as is, without coercion by either party. Sharing love together and share the grief together.

Love is something that is pure, white, sincere and pure that arise in the absence of coercion or of something artificial, I personally think that love can make the person may be motivated to make changes that lebihb aik than before he came to know love it. Love is something that is sacred and we should not tarnish the sacred love with all of us who just want egoisan delicious delicious ndak for us and for you. TIPS: UNDERSTANDING necessary to preserve the love!

A man's deepest feelings of self-sacrificing yangmembuatnya anything for the happiness of his loved ones. His sacrifice is sincere, do not expect a reply. If for example, gave many gifts to the person but on the condition that the person must want to be back with her boyfriend, it's not love his name. Love can not be measured by material or derived from the secular world. And believe me ... the greatest love is usually always come from the biological mother, instead of a girlfriend (boyfriend because love can fade any time soon or after marriage).

As well as love at Valentine's Day, make happy, sad or blind. Love is full of sacrifice, the bitterness, the beauty and warmth. Love is a willingness to give without asking anything, but love will become more beautiful if they give and take, so the warmth, harmony and unity can be achieved through life. Love is a word that has many meanings, depending on how we put this in life. Atatakai koto wa ai da.

Love can make people blind to everything just for the sake of love for her lover. We also know what it means to love it. Psti love can make people feel joy and sorrow at the same time when we are trying to get happiness together. So it was not for our own happiness. However, we do not till one step so as not to misery. Do it for the person you love so you do not feel worth it to no avail. Because that's what makes life more vivid (losta Masta).

Love is a feeling of warmth that can make us realize how precious we are, and the presence of someone so precious to us to protect. New Love is not limited to words alone, because love is much more valuable than the treasures of the world's most expensive too. When someone holds your hand and say "I Love You ..." is sure to be a special warm feeling! Therefore, when ye have found someone so precious to you, never let her go! But sometimes love is so painful, and the only way to show your love is just merlekan him go.

Love is a feeling that no one can figure out when it came, even though the owner's feelings. If we already know love, we will be the happiest person in the world. However, if unrequited love, we feel that we are the most unfortunate and we will miss his passion for life. With love, we can learn to appreciate one another, and strive to protect our loved ones, which will occur on apaun kitaCinta is a feeling that given by God on a pair of human beings to each other .... (Love each other, have each other, meet each other, mutual understanding, etc.). Absolutely love itself can not be forced, love can only be brjalan if the two sides phiak do "each other" ... love is not able to walk if their selfishness. Since in touch, we would want a couple more attention and it can only be from an understanding partner.

Love is giving love instead of chains. Love can not be forced and sometimes are not even coming in on purpose. Love the pain he left behind a beautiful but sometimes lasts longer than love itself. The limits of love and hate are also very thin but with a love of the world that we live seemed lighter.

Love of one's feelings towards the opposite sex because of an interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex (eg nature, face etc.). However, understanding and mutual understanding necessary to be able to continue the relationship, the shortfall must be mutual and willing to accept their partner as is, without coercion by either party. Sharing love together and share the grief together.

Love is something that is pure, white, sincere and pure that arise in the absence of coercion or of something artificial, I personally think that love can make the person may be motivated to make changes that lebihb aik than before he came to know love it. Love is something that is sacred and we should not tarnish the sacred love with all of us who just want egoisan delicious delicious ndak for us and for you. TIPS: UNDERSTANDING necessary to preserve the love!

A man's deepest feelings of self-sacrificing yangmembuatnya anything for the happiness of his loved ones. His sacrifice is sincere, do not expect a reply. If for example, gave many gifts to the person but on the condition that the person must want to be back with her boyfriend, it's not love his name. Love can not be measured by material or derived from the secular world. And believe me ... the greatest love is usually always come from the biological mother, instead of a girlfriend (boyfriend because love can fade any time soon or after marriage).

Love, make happy, sad or blind. Love is full of sacrifice, the bitterness, the beauty and warmth. Love is a willingness to give without asking anything, but love will become more beautiful if they give and take, so the warmth, harmony and unity can be achieved through life. Love is a word that has many meanings, depending on how we put this in life. Atatakai koto wa ai da.

Love can make people blind to everything just for the sake of love for her lover. We also know what it means to love it. Psti love can make people feel joy and sorrow at the same time when we are trying to get happiness together. So it was not for our own happiness. However, we do not till one step so as not to misery. Do it for the person you love so you do not feel worth it to no avail. Because that's what makes life more vivid (losta Masta).

Love is a feeling of warmth that can make us realize how precious we are, and the presence of someone so precious to us to protect. Love is not limited to words alone, because love is much more valuable than the treasures of the world's most expensive too. When someone holds your hand and say "I Love You ..." is sure to be a special warm feeling! Therefore, when ye have found someone so precious to you, never let her go! But sometimes love is so painful, and the only way to show your love is just merlekan him go.

Love is a feeling that no one can figure out when it came, even though the owner's feelings. If we already know love, we will be the happiest person in the world. However, if unrequited love, we feel that we are the most unfortunate and we will miss his passion for life. With love, we can learn to appreciate one another, and strive to protect our loved ones, apaun will happen to us

Love Poems 2012

See you again and this time we will try to present to you an article about love into a love poem which is the latest information from the words of love and life in the love poured into the poetry of love, just let us refer to the love poems of the poets love hearts expression following Love Poems on Valentine's Day

Love Poem

*I feel this*

Step stops when the
heart begins to melt
because of missed …
Stare at the sun, because
today everything must
Hold my finger, because
we may not go back to
the period of this …
Hug me this, because
really … I want ..
My first touch your color,
while the heart is barren,
full of dust ….
Stir just as Oasis who
desire to share their
dreams .. Love you bring
me a present ..
You make me down,
reflect, and stare deep
into your beautiful eyes
.. Really, I have been
drowned and washed
away in a sea of
forbidden love this ..
When I closed my eyes,
having the desire to take
you far into my life
When I assured this heart
that you are able to
survive with all current
state I
There’s always
something that compels
me to think back to go
Until this point, I have to
answer … why my heart
is often uncertain
Honestly …. from the
deepest depths of my
heart .. I say …
I love you … … I love
you … I will always miss
you … ..
With all the advantages
and disadvantages do
you have
Up to make you hate me
because I feel this …

*A message of love*

Blessed are the lovers
you are blessed with a
sense of love and be
Please do not waste
Due After all, love
remains love
Often people do not
appreciate the love
When the love is there
When love comes, try to
say hello
Maybe they will feel how
precious love
If they feel how hard to
get it
Friends, anyone, listen to
my message
Appreciate love
Please, do not waste
Do not throw away and
If you want to know how
precious love
Try to be a person who
truly fight
And failed … repeatedly.
So that’s where you’ll
Meaning of Love

*Small heart*

Small Heart proudly say,
“I do not want moved,
other than He who
He was not hurt,
is another thing that
scared again For * loss,
Places where once he
gave her a dream,
until the painting of
feelings that poured in
when there
Now gone,
seemed torn,
remove the sense of life,
dim lantern which had a
… Cool …
… Very cool …
He was so proud,
Inner torment,
Forget that Living with
the feeling of the past,
He would make a stand,
demolish Asa to keep
Go away …
Live with a real sense,
He is a heart that never
Heart that will not stop,
Heart is always thirsty,
Hearts are willing to
and …
Heart who dare look at
Do not let the bitter loss
make a rainbow in the
Heart of the blackened,
locked …
Small Heart with the
Heart of the Arrogant,
do not want to touch …
17 Feb 2012

Prediction Scores Roma vs Parma February 19, 2012

Latest news about Info Prediction League Italian Serie A match between Roma vs Parma who will compete on Sunday, 19 February 2012, at 21:00 pm, Stadio Olimpico, which is the most popular Italian league football schedule in 2012 know that we also do not forget to tuck Cagliari vs Udinese match predictions that will take place February 20, 2012, at 2:45 pm, Stadio Friuli Communale which indeed is the latest information from the news of football accurately

roma liga talia

Head 2 Head:

September 26, 2011: Parma 0-1 Roma (Serie A)

February 27, 2011: Roma 2-2 Parma (Serie A)

October 24, 2010: Parma 0-0 Roma (Serie A)

May 1, 2010: Parma 1-2 Roma (Serie A)

December 20, 2009: Roma 2-0 Parma (Serie A)
The last 5 Rome:

February 14, 2012: Siena 1-0 Roma (Serie A)

February 9, 2012: Catania 1-1 Roma (Serie A)

February 5, 2012: Roma 4-0 Inter Milan (Serie A)

February 2, 2012: Cagliari 4-2 Roma (Serie A)

January 29, 2012: Roma 1-1 Bologna (Serie A)
The last 5 Parma:

February 16, 2012: Parma 0-0 Juventus (Serie A)

February 5, 2012: Chievo 1-2 Parma (Serie A)

January 29, 2012: Catania 1-1 Parma (Serie A)

January 22, 2012: Bologna 0-0 Parma (Serie A)

January 15, 2012: Parma 3-1 Siena (Serie A)
Prediction Roma vs Parma Starting XI:

Rome: Stekelenburg, Heinze, Juan, Rosi, Angel, Simplicio, Pjanic, Lamela, Viviani, Totti, Borini.
Absent: Burdisso, Cassetti.

Parma: Pavarini, Zaccardo, Lucarelli, Ferrario, Morrone, Modesto, Mariga, Giovinco, Valiani, Floccari, Biabiany.
Absent: Paletta, Galloppa, Santacroce.
16 Feb 2012

Prediction Info Cagliari vs Udinese Match Score Italian league Serie A

Prediction Info Italian league Cagliari vs Udinese Match Score that will be occurred Monday, February 20, 2012, at 2:45 pm, Stadio Communale Friuli, and previously we have provided the prediction of Athletic Bilbao vs Malaga which is the latest information from the info on balls accurate prediction of the ball as well as a list stastik and standings of football news

Info 2012 Match Predictions League football italia

- Of the 10 meetings last two teams, Udinese won 4 games, the series 3x and 3x lost to Cagliari. The last game the two teams end in a draw with the score 0-0.

- From last 5 matches Udinese Udinese won 2 matches and lost 3 times. Their last match, they lost 1-2 against AC Milan.

- From last 5 matches Cagliari, Cagliari won 2 matches, 2x serial, 1x and losing. Their last game, they won 2-1 over Cagliari.

- Udinese currently is positioned on the four Italian league with 41 points from 23 games. Of 23 match, Udinese won 12 games, the series 5x, and 6x lost.

- While Cagliari is positioned on the 9th with 30 points from 23 games. Of 23 match, Cagliari won 7 games, 9x series, and 7x less.

- Udinese has scored 34 goals in their last 23 games, while Cagliari will be scored 22 goals in their last 23 games.

- In matters of defense, conceding 22 goals new Udinese of their last 23 games, while Cagliari has 24 goals kemasukkan. of their last 23 games.

properties of Cagliari vs Udinese sundul19 Prediction
Head 2 Head:

September 25, 2011: Cagliari 0-0 Udinese (Serie A)

March 13, 2011: Cagliari 0-4 Udinese (Serie A)

November 7, 2010: Udinese 1-1 Cagliari (Serie A)

May 2, 2010: Cagliari 2-2 Udinese (Serie A)

February 25, 2010: Udinese 2-1 Cagliari (Serie A)
The last 5 Udinese:

February 12, 2012: Udinese 1-2 AC Milan (Serie A)

February 5, 2012: Fiorentina 3-2 Udinese (Serie A)

February 2, 2012: Udinese 2-1 Lecce (Serie A)

January 29, 2012: Juventus 2-1 Udinese (Serie A)

January 22, 2012: Udinese 2-1 Catania (Serie A)
The last 5 Cagliari:

February 12, 2012: Cagliari 2-1 Palermo (Serie A)

February 5, 2012: Novara 0-0 Cagliari (Serie A)

February 2, 2012: Cagliari 4-2 Roma (Serie A)

January 30, 2012: AC Milan 3-0 Cagliari (Serie A)

January 22, 2012: Cagliari 0-0 Fiorentina (Serie A)
Predictions of Udinese vs Cagliari Starting XI:

Udinese: Handanovic, Basta, Danilo, Benatia, Domizzi, Isla, Armero, Pazienza, Fernandes, Abdi, Di Natale.
Absent: Agyemang-Badu, Asamoah

Cagliari: Agazzi, Canini, Agostini, Perico, Astori, Conti, Dessena, Nainggolan, Cossu, Pinilla, Ribeiro.
Absent: Pisano, Nene, Eriksson.

Scores Prediction Info - Athletic Bilbao vs Malaga

Scores Prediction Info Athletic Bilbao vs Malaga which will take place on Sunday, February 19, 2012, at 22:00 pm, Estadio San Mames, Bilbao which is the latest information from the accurate prediction of the ball for you fans of the ball

Athletic Bilbao vs malaga-logo

- The strength of both teams the last few seasons is quite balanced. At the first meeting of the two teams this season last September, Malaga a 1-0 win over Athletic Bilbao. In the previous four games, the final score is always 1-1.

- The last time Malaga beat Bilbao at San Mames in September 2005, with the score 2-1.

- Currently ranked Bilbao sit-9 standings with 30 points from 22 games, two points adrift of the Champions League zone. Last Bilbao defeated Real Betis 1-2 from.

- Performance Bilbao inconsistent lately, just picked up two wins from six games in La Liga last, swallowing two defeats and two draws.

- Bilbao only once failed to score from a total of 11 home games this season. Of the 34 total goals Bilbao, 21 of them printed in the San Mames.

Predicted properties of sundul com19 Athletic Bilbao vs Malaga
Head 2 Head:

22 Sept 2011: Malaga 1-0 Athletic Bilbao (La Liga)

May 16, 2011: Athletic Bilbao 1-1 Malaga (La Liga)

January 9, 2011: Malaga 1-1 Athletic Bilbao (La Liga)

May 6, 2010: Athletic Bilbao 1-1 Malaga (La Liga)

January 10, 2010: Malaga 1-1 Athletic Bilbao (La Liga)
Athletic Bilbao last 5 games:

February 17, 2012: Lokomotiv Moscow 2-1 Athletic Bilbao (Europa League)

February 12, 2012: Real Betis 2-1 Athletic Bilbao (La Liga)

February 8, 2012: Athletic Bilbao 6-2 Mirandes (Copa del Rey)

February 5, 2012: Athletic Bilbao 3-3 Espanyol (La Liga)

February 1, 2012: Athletic Bilbao 1-2 Mirandes (Copa del Rey)
Malaga last 5 games:

February 12, 2012: 3-1 Malaga Mallorca (La Liga)

February 7, 2012: 2-1 Malaga Granada (La Liga)

January 30, 2012: Malaga 2-1 Sevilla (La Liga)

January 23, 2012: Malaga 1-4 Barcelona (La Liga)

January 16, 2012: Sporting Gijon 2-1 Malaga (La Liga)
Athletic Bilbao vs Malaga predictions, starting XI:

Athletic Bilbao: Iraizoz, Iraola, Amorebieta, Aurtenetxe, Lopez, Susaeta, Perez, Iturraspe, Llorente, Muniain, De Marcos.

Absent: J. Martinez (punishment).

Malaga: Caballero, Mathijsen, Monreal, Weligton, Sanchez, Toulalan, Maresca, ISCO, Cazorla, Fernandez, Rondon.

Absent: Baptista (injury).
15 Feb 2012

Minimalist Bedroom Interior Design

Minimalist bedroom interior design following is an example of a simple room model or models of a minimalist, and previously we have given examples of minimalist living room design. latest information on the design space, that the concept of interior design can work well indoors, so residents have to really keep the house look neat, clean and comfortable. So although the house set up with minimalist interior design concept, but the house remains a very comfortable place livable and keep it fresh.
Some specific characteristics which can be found in the minimalist interior design concepts include:

Minimalist Bbedroom interior design

- The concept of interior design minimalist house is perfect, fitting, and not excessive. Therefore, choose forms of accessory room in your house is clean, firm, no profiles, and minimal geometric shapes.
- If you are using the concept of minimalist interior design, avoid the use of the room divider in your home that is permanent. The use of bulkhead to separate the room will only lead to a narrow sense. If it is forced to use the screen, choose the temporary or accessory only. Its function is simply to separate between the room in your house and not limiting.

- If you are the people who like carpets, carpet choose a solid color but without a motive. Patterns like this will make room in your house seem more spacious and airy and in accordance with the concept of minimalist interior design you want.
- For those of you who want to beautify the room in the house by adding accessories such as painting, choose a minimalist interior design concepts of composition and its simple frame with no engraving or profile. Do not put too many pictures because it will make room in your house feel cramped.


- For those of you who want to beautify the room in the house by adding accessories such as painting, choose a minimalist interior design concepts of composition and its simple frame with no engraving or profile. Do not put too many pictures because it will make room in your house feel cramped.
- Choice of furniture is also noteworthy. Should choose furniture that is simple without profiles and carvings with dark colors, like dark chocolate for the interior of your home because it agrees with the concept of minimalist interior design.
- In the living room using a game or a brown wood fibers. Furniturenya also a simple model with no profile or engraving.

Bedroom Design Up

- For interior design bedroom, choose bright colors for your bedroom wall. If you want to use the accent, the accent is usually made ​​behind the headboard of the bed. Whereas if you use the wallpaper, choose the model of wicker or bamboo leaves. Choose a model simple bed and adjust the size of the existing space. Do not install the bed is too big because it will make a limited space.

Home interior design minimalist interior design concept is to be done carefully. Because of space limitations of the existing area will take a narrow sense, and this is of course contrary to the concept of minimalist interior design you want.