When you know what is the meaning of love, of course you think he is so perfect that cover the entire deficiency in him and at the time of true love toward you, you love someone it is, understand its shortcomings and weaknesses cover while looking at the best, but you perli questioned again if it's True Love or love Blind?, following which we got from the latest information about what love is, will be discussed together here
If you think about it,
actually the difference between Love and True Love Blind
it's really thin huh?
When you love someone so deeply,
most likely you will try to understand its shortcomings.
At that time .. whether you love him blindly
or did he just loves what it is?
When he made a mistake and you forgive him,
man because his name is never free from errors,
does that mean love is blind
or love for granted?
When someone better comes from him,
but you also can not turn away from her lover
What does it mean to love the
or love is blind?
Or when you take it so perfectly
so that no one could replace her presence,
What does it mean to love the
or love is blind?
To what extent can we love what it is
without having to turn a blind eye?
Is it possible that someone loves what it is without a blind?
Or love is blind love is also what it means?