15 Feb 2012

Interior Design Tips Minimalist Living

Interior Design Tips Minimalist Family Room following the most latest information which we already know that the family room most used by families to sit together in which the family lived - multi-functional space for relaxing, watching television, reading, listening to music and entertain guests .

Interior design or idea for the family room is based on room size, type of use, and also how much of that budget plan.

Interior Design Tips Minimalist Living-2

In general, the type of small house has a living room that merges with the family room. On the one hand, this situation can be less profitable, because of lack of private or the feeling is not free, but if we can be creative and choose the right furniture, this room can be used optimally.

Interior Design+Minimalist

For the placement of furniture in the room which must be smaller than the room, so the room does not look cramped or claustrophobic. Maximize the long room with a sofa 2 seater sofa large compared to seat guests to sit down with fun interchangeable. A very good idea if you decorate your room with a fun style and combine it with your collectible items.

Interior Design Tips Minimalist

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