8 Mar 2012

2012 Motivation Words

Motivationa Words 2012 - about a collection of words between his motivational words motivation for yourself who want to get up from a variety of problems that exist in this life. Motivation is a word word word word motivation to live, work motivation words, wise words of motivation. Immediately, listened to motivational words following strands:

Motivational Words

Life is full of choices, you can always choose to stay with him tuk who cry for you, or who find him for you to smile
Slalu not know about you living alone. No matter who you are my best or worst, not everyone cares about you.
Do fun of someone's feelings. If you use it, sooner or later she will leave.
No one who is more painful than to hear someone just like "Just A Friend" when you want "More Than Friend"
When you love someone, give him the option to leave to, but never gave a reason to away.
If he is who you love hurt you, tell him. But if he continues to do so, release him!
One of the reasons why a relationship ends is due to stop doing the thing to do when they first met.
Music serves as a stimulus to the memory of the past generation.
To reach the lungs, cigarette smoke only takes about 3 seconds and directly stimulate the heart to work harder.
Each person must have done wrong, but when you continue to do so, you just play yourself.
Human error is the best teacher when he was honest enough to admit it and are willing to learn from them.
Have a heart which never hate, who smile never hurt and unrequited love never ends.
Time passed, learn from the past, be prepared tuk future, give my best for today.
Thing you must remember in life is everything to be perfect for you for not be happier.
LOVE is not how you FEEL TO SEE tp how. Not what you HEAR tp how UNDERSTAND.
Love is not a game. Love is the fusion of two hearts who promised each other, though never hurt, love will not go.
Keeping your word is not as easy to say it. Prove it? That's another story.
Sincerity of love and affection can not be seen or heard, but can only be felt with the heart.
The sad thing ttng who started from friendship love is when love ends, he will destroy the friendship imaginable.
45 new spirit to the campus looking for gebetan tuk, can simply be too sluggish when a former college out there.
Sometimes you have to pretend that you do not care, because you did not mean anything to someone who means everything.
One of the most important thing in life is to learn how to give sincere love for others.
Free yourself from the shackles of the past. Live today for creating a better future. Have a heart, make it meaningful.
Do not allow yourself to be fixated with the past relationship, which ended has ended. Better to find someone new. MOVE ON!
Respect those who have been telling the truth to you, because for some people, they would prefer to say what you want to hear

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