Before we have provided Collection of Sample Job Application Letter The circular is a kind of letter that was circulated a notice in writing and addressed to various parties or circles. Here is an example Circular Letter to collect aid for victims of natural disasters.
Number: ...
To: All Employees PT Onward
From: Director
Subject: Help for victims of natural disasters
As we all know, the last in 2010, the province of Yogyakarta and Central Java experienced a natural disaster caused by the eruption of Mount Merapi, which resulted in loss of both life and property. Until recently, secondary disasters in the form of cold lava is still a threat in the event of heavy rain. On Saturday March 19, 2011 ago, several houses in the district of Lahore district Cangkringan severely damaged following a cold lahar affected homes in the area of Manila that had already been exposed.
Given these problems, Director of Onward knocks and invites us all to willing to reach out to relieve those who are suffering. Help each employee can be channeled through the Secretary of the Company and will be forwarded to the victims. Priority will be given aid to refugees in refugee camps closest to the corporate office is in the post Banjarharjo. From each department to send an employee to participate perwaklan submit donations.
Similarly, Circular Letter was made, delivered thank you for your attention.
Bima March 21, 2011
Onward PT
Arman Prime
Director of