Collection of sample job application letter various fields, there are about 15 examples of job application letter here. Of course, a collection of sample job application letter will be very useful for you who are like applying for a job. Moreover this is a new school year in which many new workers and companies that need workers. Well, if you are one of those people who are looking for sample job application letter as a guide or refferensi also in writing a letter of application, then you are lucky to have found this blog. Because in addition to examples of a complete job application letter you will also get tips on how to make a good cover letter and correct.
Cibinong, January 4, 2012
Hal: Job applications
Human Resources Manager
PT. Hand's Parmantindo
Jl. No. Sentoda Earth Kingdom. 5
With due respect,
Cpc. Bambang Satrio, an assistant editor at the PT. Hand's Parmantindo, informed me about the plan of development of the Ministry of Finance of PT. Hand's Parmantindo.
In this regard, may I ask myself (a job) to join in the development plans of PT. Hand's Parmantindo.
About myself, can I explain as follows:
Name......................................: Florentine Princess
Place & date. born...................: Probolinggo, August 5, 1979
End of Education......................: Bachelor of Accounting University of Pancasila - Jakarta
Address....: ..............................: Perum Bojong New Depok 1, Block ZT 3, Cibinong 16 913
Telephone, mobile, e-mail.......... : 021-87903802, HP = 0817 203 9854, e-mail = putri.flo @ gmail.com
Marital Status............................ : Not Married
I am currently working at PT. Singo flamboyant Earth, as a staff accounting and taxation, with the main focus of work in the field of finance and taxation.
For your consideration, I enclose:
Curriculum Vitae.
Photocopy of diploma S-1.
Photocopy of certificate courses / training.
Recent photograph.
My big hope for a chance interview, and can explain more deeply about myself. As implied in the resume (curriculum vitae), I have the educational background, experience and potential for a hard worker.
So I have to say. Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Princess Florentina
Sample Cover Letters Interior Design Work
Jl. Kalibata 15
Duren Tiga, Jakarta 15644
May 10, 2012
Ny. Eny Sukamto
Head of Interior Design
Mentari Headquarters Department Store
Jl. Tanah Abang II 56 lt.5
Jakarta 17 005
With due respect,
I got the information from Mr.. Wahab, head of the menswear department at Sun Department Store - Plaza Indonesia, that you need an interior designer to handle one of the branches Mentari Dept. Store soon to be opened in the area Kalibata, Jakarta. Based on that information, I volunteered to fill the needs of interior designers.
As explained in the attached resume, I was a graduate majoring in Interior Design at the Jakarta Art Institute in 2005. I am currently working freelance as an interior design for an event organizer in Jakarta.
My great hope that you refused to give interviews, so I can explain that the potential and ability I will provide a valuable contribution to Sun Department Store. I can be contacted at any time at 021-6794577.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Donna Aaron
Sample Cover Letters Employment Cargo / Transport
Jl. Setiabudi I # 15
New Kebayoran
Jakarta 565 200
Phone: (021) 1566667
januari 5, 2012
Head of Human Resources Department.
PT. Express Federation Indonesia
Jl. welfare 54
South Jakarta 12 922
With due respect,
Through this letter I volunteered to work at your company, because I believe that my experience in transportation management areas will receive attention from you.
As contained in the attached curriculum vitae, at this time I have served as an air transportation manager at PT. Fast Cargo for five years. In that position, I have successfully developed a new service area for cargo shipping services to the five countries in Europe.
My great hope that you refused to give an interview so that I can explain myself the ability and potential in more depth. Because it is still status as an employee in a company, I would be grateful if it was kept secret.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Bambang Suripto
Sample Cover Letters Employment Marketing Manager
Jl. Metro Pondok Indah 45
South Jakarta 15 776
(021) 5687795
januari 10, 2012
Head of Human Resources
PT. Power To Fertilizer
Jl. Ciputat Kingdom 16 A
Tangerang 15 774
With due respect,
Herewith I send a cover letter and curriculum vitae in response to your advertisement in Kompas, the day Saturday, januari 10, 2012.
I have had experience over the past five years as marketing manager for cosmetics and hair care products at PT. Surya Ayu Cosmetic, Jakarta. In that position I was responsible for sales in the area of Jakarta, Tangerang, Jakarta, Bogor and Cilegon.
I realize that the cover letter and curriculum vitae that I sent it can not explain my qualifications in depth. Therefore, I really hope there is a chance interview, which I can explain how the potential in me and the ministry that I will give will become a valuable asset for PT. Power To Fertilizer.
Yours sincerely,
Nadya Faizzatia
Sample Cover Letters Employment Marketing / Sales
Jakarta, pebuari 25, 2012
Head of Personnel
P.O. BOX 553/JKS
Subject: Job applications
With due respect,
Based on information for jobs according to the advertisement in Kompas dated May 18, 2011, I hereby submit myself to the position of SR (Sales Representative).
I have graduated from high school Bhinekka Single Diversity, Jakarta in 2005, and is currently completing the last semester of college night (Extension Program) program majoring in Marketing Management Diploma 3 in the National Development University (UPN) "Veteran" Jakarta. I have the motor vehicle itself, has had a C driver's license, and can speak English both orally and in writing.
For your consideration, in this letter I attach lamarana:
A copy of last diploma
A copy of the certificate of education course intermediate level English
1 sheet of 4x6 color photographs
We hope that you can / mother can give an interview, so I can show my own potential in more detail.
Yours sincerely,
Steven Balawan
Sample Job Cover Letters Marketing / Sales / Courier
Jakarta pebruari 25, 2012,
HR Manager
Jl. IR. H. Juanda 12 A
South Jakarta
Subject: Job applications
With due respect,
Herewith I convey my desire to apply for jobs as referred to in job advertisements in the newspaper Pos Kota 25 pebuari dated 2012.
My last high school education in South Jakarta District 204 has been completed in 2004. I have own vehicle (motorcycle), and has had a driver's license C and A.
In this letter I attach 1 (one) along with curriculum vitae Behave Both Certificate and Diploma of Police last to be considered further.
Hopefully, that father / mother was willing to take the time to interview, so I can introduce myself better and detailed.
For your attention the father / mother, I thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Eddy Shamsuddin
1 sheet of Curriculum Vitae
A copy of the Certificate of Good Behave
A copy of last diploma
3 recent photographs of size 4 x 6
That is some collection of sample job application letter which is the Latest Information on the year 2012 to be made in writing sample reference in terms of job application letter